Senin, 28 November 2011
Fairy Tail 35 English Sub
showPL('p2','','Facebook Part 1');hidePL('p3','','Facebook Part 2');showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');hidePlugin('p1','', '','Facebook P2
Minggu, 27 November 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 63 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub');hidePlugin('p2', '','','megavideo English Sub');
Sabtu, 26 November 2011
Viva Las Vegas!
Back in early June, my Mom and I went out to Las Vegas for a week's vacation. Mom's a veteran of Vegas, having been out there nearly a dozen times over the last 20 years. This was my first visit there, however, and I had a heck of a good time! Here's just a few of the more than 400 photos I took. (No, I won't bore you with them all.)We explored all of the big hotels. Many of them are themed both
Senin, 21 November 2011
Fairy Tail 34 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo');Click here to check searchvale for more mirrors if the above links are not working.
Minggu, 20 November 2011
Happy Birthday, Al Hirschfeld!
If Al Hirschfeld, the celebrated caricaturist were still around today, he would have been hitting his 107th birthday. As it is, however, the old boy passed away back in January 2003, just a few months shy of turning 100! Still, he had an amazing career drawing for many venues over his many decades, and was primarily associated with creating linear depictions of the Broadway shows for his regular
Dragon Ball Kai 62 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Finally, Something I Like!
I saw this over on Cartoon Brew yesterday and was so impressed with it that I felt compelled to comment on it here. It's just a short promo for the Palm Springs International Short Fest, yet somehow it has excited me more than any animated feature has in recent years. It was created by a studio called MAKE in Minneapolis, and the director/lead animator was Andrew Chesworth. Interestingly, all of
Minggu, 13 November 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 61 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Senin, 07 November 2011
Happy Birthday, Nancy Sinatra!
Today the gal with the boots celebrates her birthday. Nancy Sinatra was the first born of Frank's three kids and was very much Daddy's little girl. Though she may not have had the vocal range of her Dad, nor his singing career longevity, Nancy Sinatra was a hugely popular and iconic singer of the swingin' 60's. Interestingly, though she was ostensibly of the rock 'n' roll generation of that era,
Dragon Ball Kai 60 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Fairy Tail 33 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Rabu, 02 November 2011
It's Quiz Time!!
I've been a member of the International Society of Caricature Artists (ISCA, formerly NCN) for a couple years now. One of my favourite of their online forums is the "Let's Draw" section, where we're now into a second year of celebrating famous birthdays by inviting ISCA members to post their caricature sketches of the chosen notable personality of the day. Some of the ones I've drawn have also
Senin, 31 Oktober 2011
Fairy Tail 32 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo RAW');
Dragon Ball Kai 59 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011
Metal Fight Beyblade 17 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','English Sub');showV('p0', '');
Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011
The 100 Greatest Looney Tunes
The other day I received a copy of Jerry Beck's new book, The 100 Greatest Looney Tunes Cartoons and was asked by the publisher if I might offer up a review. The book presents a sampling of 100 cartoons that Jerry believes are among the studio's best work, although he himself admits there are so many more that are equally as worthy in various ways. All 100 cartoons are pictured and titled
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
Here's To Jessica Borutski!
This is my caricature of Jessica Borutski, a supremely talented young cartoonist whose work I have admired for several years now. Coincidentally, Jessica resides in Ottawa, Ontario, which also happens to be my old hometown. I first discovered Jessica's work on a cute animated film she created called I Like Pandas. In fact, I have shown samples of Jessica's art in my class on Character Design as
Fairy Tail 39 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','','','Megavideo English Sub');
Senin, 24 Oktober 2011
Fairy Tail 31 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 58 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p0', '','English Sub');
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Metal Fight Beyblade 16 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p1', '','','English Sub Part 2');hideV('p0', '');
Metal Fight Beyblade 15 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub Part 2');hideV('p0', '');
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011
Life Drawing: Charlotte
It's always interesting to draw contrasting body types, and Charlotte is very different from Heather, whom I profiled in my last post. Charlotte has a very sleek, angular body and her poses tend to be equally dynamic and angular, as opposed to the more rhythmic curves in Heather's poses. She must be double jointed as well, as her elbows can bend slightly backwards when her arms are tensed!
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
Fairy Tail 38 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','','',' English Sub Part 1');hidePlugin('p3','
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 65 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p1', '','Myspace English Sub');hidePlugin('p2', ',t=1,mt=video','','Myspace English Sub');
Metal Fight Beyblade 18 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', ',t=1,mt=video','','Mysapce part 1 English Sub');showPlugin('p1', ',t=1,mt=video','','Mysapce part 2 English Sub');showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo full English Sub');
Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
Ricci Martin
A few weeks ago I put up a few pics taken on my vacation in Las Vegas with my Mom. We saw three shows while we were there, but only one of them I quite liked, the other two I found a bit disappointing. These were smaller shows, not featuring the big name headliners. Although in my opinion, Vegas headliners sure aren't what they used to be, as I really had no great inclination to see any of the
Life Drawing: Heather
This is Heather, one of the life models we've drawn from often over the last few years at Visual Arts Brampton. I've posted a number of my sketches of her previously on this blog. Heather is a trained dancer who brings a lot of that dancing sensibility to her poses, particularly in the quick gestures. Her body type is soft and curvy, lending a rhythmic flow to her gestures, and always with a
Fairy Tail 30 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo English Sub');
Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 57 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');hidePlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p0', '','English Sub');
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011
Happy Birthday, Trini Lopez!
As should be quite apparent here by now, The Cartoon Cave is mostly about nostalgia: my personal recollections of a better era of entertainment. Back in the 1960s, Trini Lopez was one of the entertainers that helped define that era for me. Although my Dad was the one who usually had the records spinning on the family hi-fi, once in awhile my Mom would take control of it and play some of her
Frank Sinatra,
Trini Lopez,
Vikki Carr
Sheridan College Open House 2010 (Part 3)
Here is the third and final batch of caricatures I drew during Sheridan's Open House a couple weeks ago. These first two ladies pictured are Sheridan office staff, Susan Anderson-Wilcox and Paulette Geffros:These last three are Sheridan students, Leisha-Marie Riddel, Omar Noori, and Hai Wei Hou:
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Sheridan College Open House 2010 (Part 2)
Here are another bunch of caricatures from the Sheridan Open House held a couple weeks ago. Mostly young kids in this batch, including these first two little cuties who are the daughters of one of the Sheridan staff. I've still got more to post but I'll do them later.
Fairy Tail 37 English Sub
showPL('p2','','Facebook Part 1');hidePL('p3','','Facebook Part 2');showPlugin('p0','','','Megavideo English Subbed');hidePlugin('p1','',''
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 64 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', ',t=1,mt=video','','Myspace English Sub');showPL('p1', '','English Sub');
Fairy Tail 29 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo RAW');
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 56 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Gordon Brown For PM!!
Yeah, I know that the Brits have already been to the polls to vote, but it turns out there's still no clear winner. Conservative David Cameron may have had the most votes, but not enough to make a clean sweep of it, so sitting PM Gordon Brown still has a chance at keeping his job. Well I say good on Gordo! If it was up to me, I think the Brits should keep him in power. Despite this dour Scot
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Fairy Tail 36 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Facebook Part 1 English Sub');showPlugin('p1','
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011
Happy Birthday, Audrey Hepburn!
I believe that Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe may be the two most iconic figures who have represented female beauty in the movies. But, while Marilyn was blonde, voluptuous and an image of pure sexuality, Audrey was the more fragile, doe-eyed waif who really captured our hearts. Certainly Audrey Hepburn has always been my favourite actress, and much of her appeal is in that pixieish figure
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
Sheridan College Open House 2010 (Part 1)
A week after classes have officially ended, there's still two events that wrap up the school year at Sheridan College. There is the annual Industry Day, where representatives from various animation studios, both local and from the U.S. come to view the films created by the graduating 4th Year students. I'll defer to my colleague, Mark Mayerson to describe that event in greater detail on his
Dragon Ball Kai 55 English Sub
showPL('p1', '','English Sub');showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Fairy Tail 28 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
Metal Fight Beyblade 19 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion part 1 English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Dailymotion part 2 English Sub');showV('p0', '');
Happy Birthday, Genevieve Bujold!
Today is the birthday of Genevieve Bujold, one of Canada's most celebrated actresses from Montreal, Quebec. Genevieve first gained great acclaim portraying Anne Boleyn in the 1969 film, Anne of the Thousand Days, opposite Richard Burton as King Henry VIII. I drew this caricature for the ISCA forum where members draw the celebrity of the day as determined by their birthday. As it happens, July
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Fairy Tail 44 English Sub
showPlugin('p2','', '','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1','', '','Facebook Part 1');showPlugin('p0','
Kamis, 29 September 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 70 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p2', '
Selasa, 27 September 2011
Sheridan Animation Year End
Yes, as April draws to a close, so too does this year of the Sheridan College Animation program. The last few weeks are always pretty crazy, with students trying to stay on top of last assignment deadlines and we in the faculty going bug-eyed from all of the final grading! But now it's done and everybody can breathe a collective sigh of relief and start enjoying the spring and summer weather to
Senin, 26 September 2011
Fairy Tail 27 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Minggu, 25 September 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 54 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p0', '','English Sub');hidePL('p1', '','English Sub');
Sabtu, 24 September 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 69 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo
Jumat, 23 September 2011
Fairy Tail 43 English Sub
showPlugin('p1','', '','Facebook Part 1');showPlugin('p0','
Rabu, 21 September 2011
Fun With Photoshop
Have you ever noticed how much teenybopper sensation Justin Bieber looks like that poster child of the checkout aisle tabloids, Bat Boy? This interesting revelation hit me recently when I saw this caricature by John Kricfalusi of the mop-topped little knucklehead. It immediately put me in mind of Bat Boy, who I believe is currently still on his mission of helping the U.S. military hunt down Osama
Senin, 19 September 2011
MAD... And Just Plain SAD
I grew up with MAD Magazine during its glory days of the 1970's, so it remains very much a part of what influenced me early on in my artistic yearnings. In fact, I credit MAD Magazine specifically as being the determining factor in my choosing to pursue a career as a print cartoonist over that of an animator after I finished school and had to make a decision on my career path. I still have every
Antonio Prohias,
Don Martin,
Jack Davis,
Mort Drucker,
Paul Coker Jr
Fairy Tail 26 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Metal Fight Beyblade 14 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showV('p0', '');
Dragon Ball Kai 53 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');hidePlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p2', '','English Sub');hidePL('p3', '
Sabtu, 17 September 2011
kinda ok news
wow ok so i got a new link for myspace videos which i will be using to update dead myspace videosCurrently Fixing Bleach going to finish up to 206 tonight by the end of the week i should have bleach working as of now other than the 4 series ongoing now im not doing ongong too much damn work also i dont thing updates will be fast cus i dont have the required help
Oodles More Doodles
Sorry I haven't been updating more regularly. You folks must be really sick of looking at those two kids in the hair nest by now, so here's something else to peruse. The top doodle is the result of me just trying out a new flexible brush marker I picked up today. One face just led to another until the paper was well covered. I love the thick and thin variation that you can get with those things!
Jumat, 16 September 2011
Fairy Tail 42 English Sub
showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');showPlugin('p0','', '','Rutube English Subbed');
Dragon Ball Kai 68 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook
Selasa, 13 September 2011
Some Cute (And Not So Cute) Doodles!
I make no bones about the fact that I love to draw cute characters. Cartoons that are cute and appealing are what I grew up with, and I still far prefer that over the ugly schlock of today, therefore that is what I gravitate towards in my own cartooning. Here are some more examples of recent doodles that explore that theme. In the one above, I decided to scribble out several animated poses of the
Senin, 12 September 2011
Fairy Tail 25 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');showPL('p1','','English Sub Part 1');hidePL('p2','','English Sub Part 2');
Dragon Ball Kai 52 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p1', '','English Sub');
Jumat, 09 September 2011
Fairy Tail 41 English Sub
showPlugin('p2','','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1','','',' English Sub Part
Kamis, 08 September 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 67 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p1', '
Rabu, 07 September 2011
Happy Birthday, James Garner!
Yes, I've celebrated his birthday for the last couple of years on this blog and I aim to keep on doing it. Jim Garner remains my all-time favourite actor and I never get tired of watching his many great film roles and sketching my impressions of him. For this year's caricature, I watched The Great Escape, the classic WWII film from 1963, which was based on the true story of a POW prison breakout.
Bryan Stoller,
James Garner,
The Great Escape
Senin, 05 September 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 51 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Dailymotion English Sub');
Minggu, 04 September 2011
More Doodles!
Here's a bunch more of my recent newspaper doodles drawn in blank areas of my daily Globe and Mail over a succession of leisurely lunches at my favourite local eateries. The oddly dyslexic Bell Canada ad pictured above seemed to offer up an interesting layout in which to fit a bevy of cute showgirls. It started out with just the one in the lower right, then led to one after another as my pen
Jumat, 02 September 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 66 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p1', '
Fairy Tail 40 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','','',' Megavideo English Sub');
Kamis, 01 September 2011
I came across this poster image earlier today for the upcoming Disney release, Tangled. Now, having seen both this and the recent theatrical trailer for the film, I have to say that I am not too impressed with what it's shaping up to be. As most of you know, Tangled is the new title for the film formerly known as Rapunzel. Why the silly title change? Well, it seems that the Disney brass are
Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 50 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Metal Fight Beyblade 28 English Dub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Dub');showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Dub');showV('p1', '');
Senin, 29 Agustus 2011
Fairy Tail 24 English Sub
showPL('p1','','English Sub');showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
Metal Fight Beyblade 27 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion part 1 English Dub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Dailymotion part 2 English Dub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Dub');hideV('p3', '');
Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011
Fairy Tail 48 English Sub
showPlugin('p3','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');hidePlugin('p2','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');showPlugin('p1','
Blecchh! - The Sequel
So, do you think I'll get in trouble again with the animation community if I say that this poster image looks like a man vomiting up a bird? :)
Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 74 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Yahoo English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p0', '
Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011
Metal Fight Beyblade 50
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 49
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 48
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 47
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 46
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 13 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showV('p0', '');
Metal Fight Beyblade 12 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showV('p0', '');
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 49 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p0', '','English Sub');
Senin, 22 Agustus 2011
Fairy Tail 23 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
Fairy Tail 47 English Sub
showPlugin('p3','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');showPlugin('p1','', '','Facebook Part 1');showPlugin('p0','
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 73 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p2', '
Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011
Remember The Alamo, And Fess Parker Too
Sadly, early today we lost Fess Parker, the actor who brought the character of Davy Crockett to life for Walt Disney. The role originated on Disney's Sunday night show and became a huge overnight hit, leading to Fess Parker becoming a major cult hero to the generation of kids who first watched the made-for-TV movie that was shown in 3 weekly installments. The film also led to an unexpected demand
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 48 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p0', '','English Sub');
Fairy Tail 22 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo');
Happy Birthday, Judd Hirsch!
I haven't had time to take this to a more finished version, so here is a pencil sketch of Judd Hirsch, perhaps most famous for his role in TV's Taxi. This was primarily drawn for the ISCA (formerly NCN), the International Society of Caricature Artists, for the ongoing daily celebrity birthday forum, where all the members can draw their version of a celebrity who is chosen for each day. Admittedly
Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011
Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011
Fairy Tail 46 English Sub
showPlugin('p1','', '','Facebook Part 1');showPlugin('p0','
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 72 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p2', '
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
Metal Fight Beyblade 26 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion part 1 English Dub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Dailymotion part 2 English Dub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Dub');hideV('p3', '');
Metal Fight Beyblade 25 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion part 1 English Dub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Dailymotion part 2 English Dub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Dub');hidePlugin('p3', '',
Metal Fight Beyblade 24 English Dub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Dubbed');showV('p0', '');
Metal Fight Beyblade 22 English Dub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Dubbed');showPlugin('p0', '', '', 'Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 23 English Dub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Dubbed');showPlugin('p0', '', '', 'Megavideo RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 21 English Dub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Dubbed');showVL('p0', '','RAW');
Metal Fight Beyblade 20 English Dub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Dubbed');showVL('p0', '','RAW');
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 71 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p2', '
Senin, 08 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 47 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p1', '','English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Fairy Tail 21 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Fairy Tail 45 English Sub
showPlugin('p2','', '','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1','', '','Facebook Part 1');showPlugin('p0','
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 46 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p1', 'rtmpe://','English Sub');
Fan Expo 2010 (pt.2)
Even more than the exhibits and stuff for sale, I think the real fun of Fan Expo is seeing all of the fans who turn up in costume. Here's a sampling of what we saw at this year's event: Here's Sheridan instructor Apollo Okamura with students, Vanessa Stefaniuk and Nicole Gagnon, as well as Vanessa's brother Robert. Vanessa strikes an action pose.Iain Lew Kee as She-Ra poses with He-Man.Just what
Fan Expo 2010 (pt. 1)
On Saturday, August 28th I went to Toronto's Fan Expo at the Toronto Convention Centre down on Front St. Here's the first selection of pics I took that day at the event. I'll post up all of the costumed fans in a second installment."Welcome to Fan Expo 2010, foolish mortals".Some neat Batman sculpts.More DC Comics figurines.Holy Dynamic Duo! It's Adam West and Burt Ward from TV's Batman!Here's
Senin, 01 Agustus 2011
Happy Birthday, David Niven!
Were David Niven still with us today, he'd be celebrating his 100th birthday! This debonair actor has long been one of my favourites, perhaps because I've always had a soft spot for the Brits, due to my own British parentage. I think he was also one of a handful of actors whom I was familiar with at a fairly early age. Although I would have been too young to have seen him in 1963's The Pink
David Niven,
Peter Sellers,
The Pink Panther
Fairy Tail 20 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 79 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p2', '
Happy Hallowe'en!!
Now, please go away while I'm having dinner...
Jumat, 29 Juli 2011
James MacArthur
I was very sad to hear yesterday of the death of James MacArthur. He had appeared in Disney's Swiss Family Robinson, one of the loveliest of that studio's live-action films, but of course he will be best remembered as Detective Danny Williams on TV's long-running Hawaii Five-0. Coincidentally, I have been avidly watching the DVD boxed sets of that great series just recently over the last few
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
Satori and Kotori
SatoriHis name is satori and kotori their brothers. satori and kotori is the enemy in the of strawhat Mugiwara in sky land. they ablity using a ball which can explode if touched, satori and kotori also use dial Impact "(objects that can absorb and release the power of the opponent back in fold) impact dial, hidden inside the glove.satori is also in charge of HAKI in the sky where the land is
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011
Mr.0 Crocodile
Mr.0 CrocodileCrocodile is the head of the organization Baroque Works, which is called by mr.0. formerly he was a scibukai, but was removed due to colonize crodile arabasta and wanted to rule the kingdom arabasta. Crocodile also one fruit-eating devil named Suna Suna no Mi type Logia, where crodile can turn himself into sand, the ability crodile able to absorb water from objects and living beings
Happy Birthday, Wendy Liebman!
Some time back I wrote a post in reference to a documentary called The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story, which was all about the longtime Disney songwriting team, Bob and Dick Sherman. The documentary was created by cousins, Jeff and Greg Sherman, the sons respectively of Bob and Dick. While the doc covered much of their wonderful songwriting legacy, it was also notable for its rather shocking
The Sherman Brothers,
Wendy Liebman
Selasa, 26 Juli 2011
Mr.1 Daz Bones
Mr.1The original name is Daz Bones. Daz Bones is a confidant of Crocodile. he was one of his devil fruit eaters Supa Supa no Mi, a Devil Fruit uterus Gives the which the ability to turn any part of his body into sharp steel blades, devil fruit type Paramecia. Daz Bones used to be a murderer from the West Blue, Mr. 1 is a proficient hand to hand martial artist. altough without his Devil Fruit
Municipal Elections
Well, the various municipal elections took place here in Ontario yesterday. Mississauga re-elected Hazel McCallion once again by a landslide, making her one of the longest serving mayors (32 years!) in Canada now at age 89. I like and admire "Hurricane Hazel" very much, but I must confess that I voted for another candidate, Peter Orphanos, as I feel that Hazel has had a great run but should let
Metal Fight Beyblade 33 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', ',t=1,mt=video','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p3', ',t=1,mt=video','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p4', '','','Megavideo English Dub');hidePlugin('p0', '
Metal Fight Beyblade 32 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', ',t=1,mt=video','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p3', ',t=1,mt=video','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p4', '','','Megavideo English Dub');hideV('p1', 'http:
Mr.2 Bon clay
Bon ClayBentham's original name was, but it is often called Mr.2. He is one of the men Crocodile. Bon Clay ability is able to turn into the form, bon kurei anyone ever touched it. Bon Clay one of devil fruit the name is Mane Mane no Mi, a type of devil fruit Paramecia. Although bon kurei has ablility devil fruit, Bon Clay mostly depend on the style of martial art that uses the feet as the main
Mr.3Galdino but his real name is often invoked Mr.3. he is one of the men Crocodile. Mr.3 is a human candle, because it was eating the fruit Doru-Doru one devil fruit that have a type Paramecia.You can find and copy the wallpaper Mr.3 or enemy of mugiwara pirate on this label.Mr.3Mr.3Mr.3
SmokerHe's a tough soldier. Smoker has eaten the Moku Moku no Mi, a Logia type Devil Fruit the which allows uterus to create, control and changed from smoke and gun is Seastone-tipped JutteThe first time he tried to track down Luffy in Loguetown, in Loguetown Luffy managed to escape because the dragon though saved by his father without telling him and after that Luffy also be saved by his brother
Senin, 25 Juli 2011
Captain Don Krieg
Captain Don Krieg He was a pirate captain. He's wearing clothes that are weapons captain Don Krieg, he completed armor with a variety of secret weapons. Don Krieg people who are never satisfied. The story begins from a pirate ship restaurant headliner, don krieg came with his men in a state of hunger and hurt, don krieg requested meal for 100 of his men, after being given and who gave him was a
Captain Kuro
Captain KuroCaptain Kuro was once a pirate captain, but he was arrested by the marine and jailed. after his release from prison captain Kuro intend to stop the pirate life. he planned to do seize property from a very wealthy family Mansion. Mansion family are left with a putriyang named "kaya_ojousama". rich girl who has a frail body, he was sickly from there captain Kuro plan to make her death
Fairy Tail 51 English Sub
showPlugin('p3','', '','Yahoo Part 2 English Subbed');showPlugin('p2','
Arlong the Shark Merman
Arlong the Shark Merman he is a human shark, he's an evil pirate captain, always extort property from the islanders that he mastered. until finally strawhat Mugiwara pirate came and beat him with Arlong's men. there monkey D Luffy Arlong menyelamatan nami_san of crueltyYou can find and copy the wallpaper arlong or enemy of mugiwara pirate on this label Arlong Arlong ArlongArlong
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 78 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p2', '
Ichigo Kurosaki bleach 04
Ichigo kurosakiYou can find and copy the wallpaper Bleach on this labelIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki bleach 03
Ichigo kurosakiYou can find and copy the wallpaper Bleach on this labelIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki bleach 02
Ichigo kurosakiYou can find and copy the wallpaper Bleach on this labelIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki bleach 01
Ichigo kurosakiyou can find and copy the wallpaper Bleach on this labelIchigo kurosakiand friends in soul society Ichigo kurosakiIchigo kurosakiIchigo kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki bleach 00
Ichigo kurosakiYou can find and copy the wallpaper Bleach on this label Ichigo kurosaki Ichigo kurosakiIchigo kurosaki
bleach 00
l BLEACH"Bleach" this story at the start of Ichigo Kurosaki can always see ghosts, but this ability does not change his life nearly as much close encounter with Rukia Kuchiki, a Shinigami and a member of the mysterious Soul Society.During the fight the Hollow, an evil spirit that preys on humans who display psychic energy, Rukia attempts to lend Ichigo some of his strength so he can save his
monkey D luffy 06
Monkey D luffyyou can find and copy the wallpaper Monkey D Luffy on this labelMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffy
monkey D luffy 05
Monkey D luffyyou can find and copy the wallpaper Monkey D Luffy on this labelMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffy
monkey D luffy 04
Monkey D luffyyou can find and copy the wallpaper Monkey D Luffy on this labelMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffy
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
monkey D luffy 02
Monkey D luffyyou can find and copy the wallpaper Monkey D Luffy on this label Monkey D luffy Monkey D luffy Monkey D luffyMonkey D luffy
It's Doodle Time!
Usually I reserve this blog to just show my finished art, or maybe something in progress for a tutorial. Perhaps once in awhile though, I might post some of my doodles just for fun. Here are some recent doodles, mostly sketched while having lunch and reading my daily Globe and Mail at a favourite restaurant. After reading all the news I'm interested in, I'll start sketching aimlessly in whatever
monkey D luffy 01
Monkey D Luffy Monkey D Luffy a ship captain strawhat Mugiwara pirates, who have the aspiration as a pirate king. he is the man ate the rubber because Gomu Gomu. as a ship captain Monkey D Luffy crew never regarded him as subordinates, but he take it as a friend. Monkey D Luffy is very loyal to his friend until he is willing to sacrifice anything for her friends.You can find and copy the
Enemy in enisloby
Mugiwara enemy while in enisloby
One Piece 006
Luffy and friendsLuffy and friendsLuffy and friends
Hunter X Hunter 003
Gon and friendsGon and friendsGon and friends
monkey D luffy 03
Monkey D luffyyou can find and copy the wallpaper Monkey D Luffy on this labeMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffyMonkey D luffy
Hunter X Hunter 002
Gon n freindsGon n freindsGon n freindsGon n freindsGon n freinds
Hunter X Hunter 001
HunterXhunterthe story of the hunter, hunter special kind, dedicated to tracking treasure, magical beasts, and even other people. But its membership such as requiring a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the qualifying exam. Those who pass get access to restricted areas, amazing stores of information, and the right to call themselves Hunters. Like, Gon (the main character
One Piece 005
strawhat monkey D luffi and friends
One Piece 004
strawhat monkey D luffi and friends
Jumat, 22 Juli 2011
Fairy Tail 19 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
More Character Types
Here are a bunch more sketches drawn from video, like the ones I showcased on my Oct. 4th entry. The ones pictured above are all of guests who have appeared on the Charlie Rose interview show seen on PBS. The show's website features numerous archived clips that are just great to sketch from, since the interviews allow you to study the subject in medium close-up, moving just enough that you can
History of Death note
This story neighbor "death note" Light Yagami is the main character, she dreams of youth that seemed destined for success. daily habits bear extraordinary intelligence, starting from a black notebook (death note) strange fall from the sky during the class, not long later he took it. Light Yagami finds the attraction, that Death Note is real, and owned by Ryuk, a Shinigami (Death God).Each
Shinigami Ryuk and Rem
They are cast in the story "death note". they are kind of creature who can not see people, only people who never touched a book that could see the outline of this creature, and the book called "death note".
One Piece 003
strawhat monkey D luffi and friendsstory at the start of greatness, Glory, Gold. A Pirate Named Gold Roger also known as the Pirate King has conquered this all. He was executed by unknown reasons, but before he died, he has expressed the last word about The legendary Treasure named One Piece which was hidden in the Grand Line. 22 years after Death, A Pirate named Monkey D. Luffy appeared and has
One Piece 002
strawhat monkey D luffi and friends
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 45 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p1', '','English Sub');
Saito Hajime
saito hajime saito hajime saito hajime
Gray Fullbuster
gray fullbustergray fullbustergray fullbuster
Roronoa zoro after training for two years of hell
roronoa zorronew form from roronoa zoro after training two years of hell
zoro with three swords
roronoa zorro pic colection roronoa zorro pic colection roronoa zorro pic colection roronoa zorro pic colection
Metal Fight Beyblade 31 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p3', '','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p4', '','','Megavideo English Dub');hideVL('p1', '','RAW');
Roronoa Zoro picture colection
roronoa zorro pic colectionroronoa zorro pic colectionroronoa zorro pic colection
samobody after 2 years
monkey D luffy and freindsform from them after returning from training for two years of hell
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
A Half Century Of Me...
"Holy Crap - I'm 50!!!"
Senin, 18 Juli 2011
Fairy Tail 50 English Sub
showPlugin('p3','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');hidePlugin('p2','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');showPlugin('p1','
Minggu, 17 Juli 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 77 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p0', '
Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 44 English Sub
showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');
Jumat, 15 Juli 2011
Fairy Tail 18 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011
Rabu, 13 Juli 2011
Happy Birthday, Dave Smith!
I just found out yesterday that today is the birthday of Dave Smith, the originator and longtime curator of the Disney Archives, who recently retired from that post after having been with Disney for 40 years. Before Dave came along, Disney did not have an archives to protect and record their studio history. But Dave, who had originally approached the company to compile a bibliography on Walt
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
Fairy Tail 49 English Sub
showPlugin('p3','', '','Megavideo English Subbed');showPlugin('p1','', '','Facebook Part 1');hidePlugin('p0','
Minggu, 10 Juli 2011
Krystal and Belle
Here's some caricatures I drew of a couple of nice girls, sisters Krystal and Belle, who were attending Visual Arts Brampton last week. Every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:30 we have an open Life Drawing session. No requirement to sign up for anything, just pay as you go, any week you want to join us. For those in the Brampton area, just click on the above link to see more info. I hope to see
Dragon Ball Kai 76 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p0', '
Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011
Fairy Tail 17 English Sub
showPlugin('p1','', '','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo RAW');
Dragon Ball Kai 43 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '', '', 'Megavideo');showPL('p1', '','English Sub');
Jumat, 08 Juli 2011
Toronto Votes!
All right, Toronto, municipal election day is coming up in just a couple more weeks on Monday, October 25th, so it's time to make that big decision. Will you choose Captain Smitherman to chart your course into Toronto's future, or are you content to let "Hoss" Ford herd you all back to the wild 'n' wooly past? Not that I'm trying to influence your decision, of course... :)
Kamis, 07 Juli 2011
Drawing Cartoon Eyes
I came across this film still from Disney's The Princess and the Frog by way of John Kricfalusi's blog. John has been pointing out (quite correctly in my opinion) how badly designed and drawn the TV shows from the 80's were. Furthermore, he contends that those bland and soulless 80's character designs live on to this day, not only on TV but also in feature film animation. Though I might be rather
Selasa, 05 Juli 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 75 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion English Sub');showPlugin('p1', '','','Facebook English Sub Part 1');showPlugin('p0', '
Metal Fight Beyblade 30 English Dub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p3', '','','Dailymotion English Dub');showV('p0', '');
Senin, 04 Juli 2011
Sketching Character Reference
I put this post together to tie in with what I'll be starting to cover in my Character Design classes at Sheridan College this week. The topic is "Character Types", and these are a few samples I just sketched yesterday to illustrate what I'll be stressing in this subject. I'm a firm believer that an animated or illustrated character should aspire to be distinct as an individual - the visual
Metal Fight Beyblade 29 English Dub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Dub');showPlugin('p2', '','','Dailymotion English Dub');showPlugin('p3', '','','Dailymotion English Dub');hideV('p0', '');
Minggu, 03 Juli 2011
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011
Fairy Tail 16 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Happy Birthday, Tommy Smothers!
I've always been a big fan of Tom and Dick, the Smothers Brothers. Despite being only about 8 years old at the time, I still vaguely remember watching their original The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour on CBS, and I also recall they had a short lived variety show in the 70s, when I was in high school. But it was their revived series in the late 80s that I remember best and that brought them back to
Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 42 English Sub
showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p1', '','English Sub');hidePlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
Costumed Model Sketches
As I mentioned a couple posts ago, most Tuesday evenings I can be found at Visual arts Brampton for the open workshop life drawing sessions. One of our regular models, Heather, has been posing for us both this week and last. Just for a change from the usual life drawing, Heather had brought some costumes that she put on for the longer studies. As Heather has a background in dance, last week she
Dragon Ball Kai 38 English Sub
showPL('p4', '','English Sub');hidePlugin('p3', '','','Rutube English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo English Sub');hidePL('p1', '','Youtube RAW
Amir Avni
This morning's Globe and Mail held a pleasant surprise for me in the form of this feature article in the Life section on one of my former Sheridan Animation students, Amir Avni. Amir is currently in his 4th and final year at Sheridan - I had him in my 2nd Year Character Design class two years ago and he was always keen to improve his ability. Best of all, Amir LOVES CARTOONS! :)In the Globe
Jumat, 24 Juni 2011
Kamis, 23 Juni 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 41 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p0', '','','Megavideo RAW');hidePlugin('p1', '
Rabu, 22 Juni 2011
Bleach Wallpaper Ultimate Collection
Download Bleach Wallpaper below: another 600+ Pictures bleach collection
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
Fairy Tail 11 English Sub
showPlugin('p2','','','Megavideo English Sub');showPlugin('p1','','','Tochka English Sub');[HorribleSubs] Fairy Tail – 11 [ English Sub][480p].mkv
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 37 English Sub
showPlugin('p3', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p0', '','English Sub');hidePlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');hidePlugin('p2', '
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Fairy Tail 14 English Sub
showPlugin('p0','', '','Megavideo');
Dance in the Vampire Bund Episodes
Dance in the Vampire Bund 1Dance in the Vampire Bund 2Dance in the Vampire Bund 3Dance in the Vampire Bund 4Dance in the Vampire Bund 5Dance in the Vampire Bund 6Dance in the Vampire Bund 7Dance in the Vampire Bund 8Dance in the Vampire Bund 9Dance in the Vampire Bund 10
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Episodes
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 1Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 2Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 3Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 4Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 5Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 6Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 7Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 8Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 9Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 10Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 11
Chu Bra!! Episodes
Chu Bra!! 1Chu Bra!! 2Chu Bra!! 3Chu Bra!! 4Chu Bra!! 5Chu Bra!! 6Chu Bra!! 7Chu Bra!! 8Chu Bra!! 9Chu Bra!! 10Chu Bra!! 11Chu Bra!! 12Final
Omamori Himari Episodes
Omamori Himari 1Omamori Himari 2Omamori Himari 3Omamori Himari 4Omamori Himari 5Omamori Himari 6Omamori Himari 7Omamori Himari 8Omamori Himari 9Omamori Himari 10
Ookami Kakushi Episodes
Ookami Kakushi 1Ookami Kakushi 2Ookami Kakushi 3Ookami Kakushi 4Ookami Kakushi 5Ookami Kakushi 6Ookami Kakushi 7Ookami Kakushi 8Ookami Kakushi 9Ookami Kakushi 10
Seikon no Qwaser Episodes
Seikon no Qwaser 1Seikon no Qwaser 2Seikon no Qwaser 3Seikon no Qwaser 4Seikon no Qwaser 5Seikon no Qwaser 6
Sora no woto episodes
Sora no Woto 1Sora no Woto 2Sora no Woto 3Sora no Woto 4Sora no Woto 5Sora no Woto 6Sora no Woto 7Sora no Woto 8Sora no Woto 9
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Episodes
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 1To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 2To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 3To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 4To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 5To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 6To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 7To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 8To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 9To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 10To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 11To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 12To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 13To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 14To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 15To
How To Draw Cartoons!
Well, only touching briefly on the subject, to be honest. I've been associated with Visual Arts Brampton for about 7 years or more now, and I can most often be found there on Tuesday evenings for the open workshops in life drawing. Visual Arts Brampton, or VAB for short, is located on the east side of Hurontario immediately north of Steeles in Brampton Ontario, just a short drive away from where
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Dragon Ball Kai 40 English Sub
showPL('p4', '','English Sub Part 1');hidePL('p3', '','English Sub Part 2');showPlugin('p2', '','','Megavideo English Sub');hidePlugin('p1', '
Thanks For Everything, Roy.
I'm so sad to hear that Roy E. Disney passed away earlier today. I wasn't aware that he'd been battling cancer, so it was quite a shock to me. There are a lot of memories that are flooding back from the last 25 years - starting in 1984, when there was that attempted takeover of Disney, which coincidentally reared its ugly head only several months after I'd first started my Disney career in the
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
Fairy Tail 10 English Sub
showPlugin('p2','','','Megavideo English Sub');showPL('p4','','English Sub');Download [Horriblesubs]_Fairy_Tail_-_10_.mkvDownload [Horriblesubs]_Fairy_Tail_-_10_.mkv
Metal Fight Beyblade 11 English Sub
showPlugin('p1', '','','Megavideo English Sub');showV('p0', '');
Senin, 13 Juni 2011
justin bieber running away from fans
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Justin Bieber#39;s super fans
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2011 justin bieber haircut 2011
Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber thinks his fans

justin bieber bald haircut.

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Justin Bieber Thanks Fans For
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Justin Bieber took the stage
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Justin Bieber has donated his
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Justin Bieber Thanks Fans
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For all you Justin Bieber fans
10-14 07:12 PM
Wow! No-tec, thats pretty **** sweet. Have any links you could give me to make thrill ISH like that, ya know, like tutorials!
wallpaper Justin Bieber#39;s super fans
01-18 09:22 PM
Mine got approved in 6 months....Receipt Date - 7/5/2006: approval date 1/4/2007
Mine is EB 2
Mine is EB 2
12-14 02:43 PM
Where can we find information for e filing EAD/AP Renewals ?
Follow this link: D&vgnextchannel=9059d9808bcbd010VgnVCM100000d1f1d6a1 RCRD
Follow this link: D&vgnextchannel=9059d9808bcbd010VgnVCM100000d1f1d6a1 RCRD
2011 justin bieber haircut 2011
05-18 10:10 AM
1. You should be 100% confident that it is not your attorney who screwed up
2. Be able to convince anyone in 10 minutes that you filed within the timeline with evidence of receipt numbers, etc. The evidence is what counts.
2. Be able to convince anyone in 10 minutes that you filed within the timeline with evidence of receipt numbers, etc. The evidence is what counts.
10-31 04:06 PM
Hello Number30,
For taxation purposes, you are considered just like US citizen as soon as you spend more than 180 days within US.
You can claim all the standard tax deductions/exemptions that are available to any US citizen like EIC (irrespective of your status - on visa, in AOS, PR or citizen) if you file taxes as a resident.
Yes I thought the same.
I am asking this because i did a tax return for one of my friend. He got EIC. But Questionire is not asking for residency status. But was asking like Were you a U.S. citizen or resident alien for all of year?
That year he was laid off and had very little income So he took the money.
Hope he will not have any trouble.
For taxation purposes, you are considered just like US citizen as soon as you spend more than 180 days within US.
You can claim all the standard tax deductions/exemptions that are available to any US citizen like EIC (irrespective of your status - on visa, in AOS, PR or citizen) if you file taxes as a resident.
Yes I thought the same.
I am asking this because i did a tax return for one of my friend. He got EIC. But Questionire is not asking for residency status. But was asking like Were you a U.S. citizen or resident alien for all of year?
That year he was laid off and had very little income So he took the money.
Hope he will not have any trouble.
10-05 09:00 PM
I stickied it - I'm not sure how the rules work in Battle though, so maybe it isn't meant to be stickied. If it gets unstickied, I'm sure I broke some rule :)
08-06 12:39 PM
2010 justin bieber haircut 2011 for
08-15 11:34 AM
Any PERM case filed before July 25th 2005 was taking long time because of system problems. But this long is a news to me. I wish you good luck and hope that it will get cleared soon.
12-17 01:53 AM
Thanks all for your replies...perhaps my question is not clear...I would have posted a new thread but was not easily able to figure out how to do so...
Will try to ask my question again...
I am not worried about when my FP expires and things on those lines....
my questions is for jobs that require green card or citizenship... there are some federal jobs out there that require security clearance....and for which they need either green card holders or citizen I beleive...
Now if one has an EAD (no green card yet, 485 pending for more than 1 year) and has got his/her FP done in FEB 2008 what does that mean...does it mean that once you have your FP done there is some kind of security clearance that you get from FBI ?...can you say you have active security clearance..if so what kind of security clearance is that called ? I said when I went for the Biometrics/FP (Code 3) they stamped the notice with the following
Biometrics Processing Stamp
ASC Side Code: __________XTE<location>
Biometrics QA Review by ________ (officer's signature)
Tenprints QA Reivew (officer's signature)
Thanks Gurus !!
SEcurity clearence for jobs are different / separate then immigration stuff. non-imm aliens can get lowest level of security clearance.
Will try to ask my question again...
I am not worried about when my FP expires and things on those lines....
my questions is for jobs that require green card or citizenship... there are some federal jobs out there that require security clearance....and for which they need either green card holders or citizen I beleive...
Now if one has an EAD (no green card yet, 485 pending for more than 1 year) and has got his/her FP done in FEB 2008 what does that mean...does it mean that once you have your FP done there is some kind of security clearance that you get from FBI ?...can you say you have active security clearance..if so what kind of security clearance is that called ? I said when I went for the Biometrics/FP (Code 3) they stamped the notice with the following
Biometrics Processing Stamp
ASC Side Code: __________XTE<location>
Biometrics QA Review by ________ (officer's signature)
Tenprints QA Reivew (officer's signature)
Thanks Gurus !!
SEcurity clearence for jobs are different / separate then immigration stuff. non-imm aliens can get lowest level of security clearance.
hair Justin Bieber
05-30 03:53 PM
I think what Asian means is that the stringent rule of 'Same kind of job' in AC21 makes AC21 usability very limited. If that condition is abolished, 485 is as good as GC in terms of job mobility.
Unfortunately that doesn't have a lot of support since it defeats the purpose of labor certification.
Unfortunately that doesn't have a lot of support since it defeats the purpose of labor certification.
10-26 01:01 PM
My wife was on H4 earlier and then she coverted her visa into F1 (student). She got I 20 form from school with her, But She doesn't have F1 stamp on her Indian Passport. She got 2 hour halt in Paris.
Does she need French transit visa ??
Does she need French transit visa ??
hot Justin Bieber thinks his fans
07-17 07:24 PM
I heard something to this effect. Is this correct ?
house Justin Bieber Thanks Fans
06-02 02:44 PM
I've already completed my 6 yrs on H1, have my 140 approved, applied for extension and got it (before 6 yr expiry). The extension has been approved for 3 years.
Now -- I need to change employers as my employer is asking me to become full time from consulting.
2 questions:
1. Can I use this extension to change employers?
2. Can I start the GC process with the 140 priority date? (Feb '08)?
PS: I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.
if your employer ( who filled I 140 ) revoke I 140 then chances are there that you may get RFE while H1b transfer. You need good lawer advise. Also there is gray area for porting PD if I 140 is approved and revoked.
I've already completed my 6 yrs on H1, have my 140 approved, applied for extension and got it (before 6 yr expiry). The extension has been approved for 3 years.
Now -- I need to change employers as my employer is asking me to become full time from consulting.
2 questions:
1. Can I use this extension to change employers?
2. Can I start the GC process with the 140 priority date? (Feb '08)?
PS: I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.
if your employer ( who filled I 140 ) revoke I 140 then chances are there that you may get RFE while H1b transfer. You need good lawer advise. Also there is gray area for porting PD if I 140 is approved and revoked.
tattoo justin bieber bald haircut.
03-16 12:18 PM
Agreed.. But again something has to trigger the movement. Eg. I can understand that happening, if you file AC21 and you receive RFE. Or Your GC filing employer revoking your I 140 and you receive I-485 Denial letter etc.
Or it can simply happen any time?
Or it can simply happen any time?
pictures vs Justin Bieber Fans” and

08-25 08:16 PM
Hi all!
I did quick search on this website and notice nothing about infopass experience at Detroit, MI office ( ... I am sure someone smarty pants is going to say I didn't search hard enough), anyway I wanted to share my expereience, so started this thread.
I have apointment tommorow, and will share what happened ( or didn't). If you had been already thru this, please feel free to share pointers.
Regards and Peace!
Good luck, mine is the same PD
I did quick search on this website and notice nothing about infopass experience at Detroit, MI office ( ... I am sure someone smarty pants is going to say I didn't search hard enough), anyway I wanted to share my expereience, so started this thread.
I have apointment tommorow, and will share what happened ( or didn't). If you had been already thru this, please feel free to share pointers.
Regards and Peace!
Good luck, mine is the same PD
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10-18 06:03 PM
10/18/2007: Senate Passed FBI Background Checks Improvement Amendment to CJS FY 2008 Appropriations Bill
* A small good news coming out of the Hill, helping to pull achey teeth out of a large number of immigrants who have been suffering from namechecks related backlogs.The Senate has approved an amendment by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., to improve oversight of the FBI National Name Check Program, which faces a substantial backlog. The program is used to run background checks on people applying for immigration benefits or seeking employment with the U.S. government, among many other purposes. Levin�s provision, which was included as an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) Fiscal Year 2008 Appropriations Bill, would require the FBI to report to Congress every year regarding progress made in improving the FBI�s system of processing background checks and automating investigative files. Thanks to the reader who offered the valuable information. For the amendment sponsor's announcement, please click here.
* Readers, please start contacting your Congressional delegation to support this bill through the Conference process!!!!!!!
* BRAVO!:)
* A small good news coming out of the Hill, helping to pull achey teeth out of a large number of immigrants who have been suffering from namechecks related backlogs.The Senate has approved an amendment by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., to improve oversight of the FBI National Name Check Program, which faces a substantial backlog. The program is used to run background checks on people applying for immigration benefits or seeking employment with the U.S. government, among many other purposes. Levin�s provision, which was included as an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) Fiscal Year 2008 Appropriations Bill, would require the FBI to report to Congress every year regarding progress made in improving the FBI�s system of processing background checks and automating investigative files. Thanks to the reader who offered the valuable information. For the amendment sponsor's announcement, please click here.
* Readers, please start contacting your Congressional delegation to support this bill through the Conference process!!!!!!!
* BRAVO!:)
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Ann Ruben
01-11 07:16 AM
I reviewed the State of Washington's unemployment compensation website, and from what I can see you would be eligible for benefits as long as you were legally authorized to work for the last 24 months and continue to be authorized to accept new employment. You will be required to provide your A# and agree to allow the State of Washington to share your application information with other agencies such as the IRS (UC benefits are taxable).
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Not sure if I should be happy that there are lots of people in the same boat as me or be worried.
Anyways swen I take an appointment to go to the local INS office, is it ok if I go alone or does my wife need to come along as well?
Anyways swen I take an appointment to go to the local INS office, is it ok if I go alone or does my wife need to come along as well?
07-26 08:56 AM
I faced a similar situation during my first L1B extension. My L1 extension was filed, but not approved while my L1 visa expired. Per my (then) attorneys advice - it isn't an issue if the application to extend has been applied for. You can be out of status for upto 180 days in such situations. Only issue is if the extension is rejected during this period.
In the future, the receipt for having filed for extension before Visa expiry and/or Received Date on I-797 Notice of Action (approval) can be used as proof. Of course, travelling out of the country and back on a new visa removes the stigma of having been "out of status"
RFE is okay, but rejection is NOT! Do answer it (RFE) in time. Rejection can put you in trouble. Also if the period extends beyond 180 days due to RFE you will be in trouble ( I really doubt it happening but you never know)
In the future, the receipt for having filed for extension before Visa expiry and/or Received Date on I-797 Notice of Action (approval) can be used as proof. Of course, travelling out of the country and back on a new visa removes the stigma of having been "out of status"
RFE is okay, but rejection is NOT! Do answer it (RFE) in time. Rejection can put you in trouble. Also if the period extends beyond 180 days due to RFE you will be in trouble ( I really doubt it happening but you never know)
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jaggu bhai
07-27 10:35 AM
Hi Friends
My status is I 140 is cleared, waiting for the next step.
Question is....
My wife is on H4 and as it is difficult to get a job now and change to H1 (civil engineer),
We intend to use this time for her studies.
We need your suggestion (few people based on their own experience),
1.As we cannot afford financially to study in a full time college, we wanted to make it part time or online (whatever-which costs us less).
2.Is it good to study on H4 or betterto convert to F1 and study (so that SEVIS and further usage of it down the line!!!!)
3.If some seniors has done like this, pl advise some universities.
My status is I 140 is cleared, waiting for the next step.
Question is....
My wife is on H4 and as it is difficult to get a job now and change to H1 (civil engineer),
We intend to use this time for her studies.
We need your suggestion (few people based on their own experience),
1.As we cannot afford financially to study in a full time college, we wanted to make it part time or online (whatever-which costs us less).
2.Is it good to study on H4 or betterto convert to F1 and study (so that SEVIS and further usage of it down the line!!!!)
3.If some seniors has done like this, pl advise some universities.
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05-28 11:28 PM
Here is the prashanthi blog syndication link
08-05 04:13 PM
from (this is a site from the 3 credit agencies), you can see all the addresses that your credit card bills went to. So there is a record of where you actually lived in the last 3-5 years.
By the way, by law you are entitled to a free credit report annually. You can get it from the afore mentioned site.
By the way, by law you are entitled to a free credit report annually. You can get it from the afore mentioned site.
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10-20 01:37 PM
They say 2months for I-129 (H1B) and mine is pending since May. These processing dates mean nothing
10-26 10:53 PM
RD Texas: 3rd Aug
AP - Case pending
FP- Not Received
EAD - Card Prod. ordered
AP - Case pending
FP- Not Received
EAD - Card Prod. ordered

02-24 09:04 PM
Can someone with knowledge in matter please help. If I change the status to from H1 to H4 using form I-539 and submit my resignation to my employer, he is most likely going to request USCIS to cancel my H1. Is it possible even in these cases to apply again for a change of status back to H1 from H4 after a year if I get a job with another employer without having to go through the quota? Thanks for your help.
Can someone with knowledge in matter please help. If I change the status to from H1 to H4 using form I-539 and submit my resignation to my employer, he is most likely going to request USCIS to cancel my H1. Is it possible even in these cases to apply again for a change of status back to H1 from H4 after a year if I get a job with another employer without having to go through the quota? Thanks for your help.
12-31 05:17 PM
+1 from Dallas
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07-16 06:15 PM
so we r in same boat. Mine recd date Oct 2nd 2006.
03-11 09:06 AM
I transferred in Feb it was fine but when I tried this week it says some restriction bcoz of state of residence
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03-15 10:55 AM
That is my understanding as well...
What I understood from Ron's article:
They're not processing fast enough to exhaust visa numbers.
They want to minimize visa number wastage.
They may move dates significantly forward so that they can approve low-hanging fruits to approve as many as possible
Many people will have dates current, but few will get approved... it'll be luck of draw.
Dates will then return to retrogressed levels at the beginning of the next financial year.
However, overall visa number wastage should be much smaller than previous years as they have started moving the dates forward much sooner this time.Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of Ron's post. These are not my predictions.
Personally, I'm Pessimistic... being in India-EB3, that's not a state of mind... it's a lifestyle.
What I understood from Ron's article:
They're not processing fast enough to exhaust visa numbers.
They want to minimize visa number wastage.
They may move dates significantly forward so that they can approve low-hanging fruits to approve as many as possible
Many people will have dates current, but few will get approved... it'll be luck of draw.
Dates will then return to retrogressed levels at the beginning of the next financial year.
However, overall visa number wastage should be much smaller than previous years as they have started moving the dates forward much sooner this time.Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of Ron's post. These are not my predictions.
Personally, I'm Pessimistic... being in India-EB3, that's not a state of mind... it's a lifestyle.
06-29 12:19 PM
it is hard time for any H1 transfers. Your best bet is to try hard for a month or two, and plan to leave or stay accordingly.
Again there is no guarantee for the extension of status approval. So eventually there is chance that you might even find yourself loosing the project, when waiting for visa appointment in India. (the client may not want to wait for you for months).
So have all the facts straight, and be aware of possible outcomes. Then it is up to you to decide.
Again there is no guarantee for the extension of status approval. So eventually there is chance that you might even find yourself loosing the project, when waiting for visa appointment in India. (the client may not want to wait for you for months).
So have all the facts straight, and be aware of possible outcomes. Then it is up to you to decide.
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11-07 12:32 PM
Thank you everyone for the responses.
Dreamworld, Could you let me know what kind of supporting documents are needed. Thanks in advance.
Dreamworld, Could you let me know what kind of supporting documents are needed. Thanks in advance.
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12-04 01:41 PM
My package was delivered on 20th August. USCIS accepted it and got all receipt no. Thanks..
My package was delivered on 20th August. USCIS accepted it and got all receipt no. Thanks..
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11-12 05:31 PM
The original poster "getrdone" wrongly pressed panic button. There is no change from 2004 thru till now. I went to mexico several times for stamping. I have seen several people who got stamping for H1-H1 & F1-H1 (Safe), H4-H1 & B1-H1 (Lucky guys)...In anycase, taking Mexican Visa (though absolutely not mandatory) is advised
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12-21 10:51 AM
hi All,
I am on AP/EAD and need to Transit thru Paris in February. I have a confirmed return ticket and my visas have expired. I am currently in India.I called VFS and they told me that I do not need a transit visa however when I emailed them they responded by saying check with your Airline. I am trying to email the consulate in Mumbai but keep getting bounce backs.
However I found links on the Atlanta and Washigton consulates that say that I need a visa.
Has anyone returned to the US recently on a Advance Parole and expired Visa? and did you need a Transit visa? It would be great if you can tell when you returned. Immigrationvoice seems to be the only place where I could possibly get some real answers.
Apologizes if this thread is under the wrong category
As far as I know, transit visa is required in case you do not have a valid visa/ citizenship for the departure country. So, if your visa has expired on passport but have visa approval/ or other documents to support AND you are traveling from US to India via France then you would need France airport transit visa.
However, in your case, since you are Indian citizen (I assume) and traveling to US via France you do not need a airport transit visa.
The logic behind this weird rule is that in case you are stuck in France for some reason and they want you to go home (deport) then you should have valid visa/ citizenship to the country you came from.
Otherwise, none of us (Indians or other nationals) would need a transit visa to Europe going from US - India as we have Indian passport.
Hope this helps. As you know you can always check with airlines/ consulate to make sure you are good to go.
~ happy travel
I am on AP/EAD and need to Transit thru Paris in February. I have a confirmed return ticket and my visas have expired. I am currently in India.I called VFS and they told me that I do not need a transit visa however when I emailed them they responded by saying check with your Airline. I am trying to email the consulate in Mumbai but keep getting bounce backs.
However I found links on the Atlanta and Washigton consulates that say that I need a visa.
Has anyone returned to the US recently on a Advance Parole and expired Visa? and did you need a Transit visa? It would be great if you can tell when you returned. Immigrationvoice seems to be the only place where I could possibly get some real answers.
Apologizes if this thread is under the wrong category
As far as I know, transit visa is required in case you do not have a valid visa/ citizenship for the departure country. So, if your visa has expired on passport but have visa approval/ or other documents to support AND you are traveling from US to India via France then you would need France airport transit visa.
However, in your case, since you are Indian citizen (I assume) and traveling to US via France you do not need a airport transit visa.
The logic behind this weird rule is that in case you are stuck in France for some reason and they want you to go home (deport) then you should have valid visa/ citizenship to the country you came from.
Otherwise, none of us (Indians or other nationals) would need a transit visa to Europe going from US - India as we have Indian passport.
Hope this helps. As you know you can always check with airlines/ consulate to make sure you are good to go.
~ happy travel
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October 23rd, 2005, 09:30 AM
Sounds good to me. QJ?? Anyone else?
Speaking of QJ I haven't seen much activity from her lately, you still out there Queen?
Speaking of QJ I haven't seen much activity from her lately, you still out there Queen?
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12-19 10:26 AM
Do we have to carry all the Tax filing papers or just W2 is good enough?
I am planning to go for stamping in Jan. Thanks in advance for the input.
Rather than taking inputs from forum members on the documents required, I recommend go to Consulate website or vfs website to find the list of documents. Ex:
Yes, carry all your AOS related documents. Please note that, you cannot expect passport immediately after stamping. This is due to extra PIMS clearance introduced recently. In my case, my passport with visa stamp reached me only after 10 business days. So please have that extra buffer in your travel schedule.
After going through the nervousness of waiting for passport I felt it would have been better if I did not go to stamping in first place. Just travelled on AP would have been wise decision.
I am planning to go for stamping in Jan. Thanks in advance for the input.
Rather than taking inputs from forum members on the documents required, I recommend go to Consulate website or vfs website to find the list of documents. Ex:
Yes, carry all your AOS related documents. Please note that, you cannot expect passport immediately after stamping. This is due to extra PIMS clearance introduced recently. In my case, my passport with visa stamp reached me only after 10 business days. So please have that extra buffer in your travel schedule.
After going through the nervousness of waiting for passport I felt it would have been better if I did not go to stamping in first place. Just travelled on AP would have been wise decision.
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07-15 12:35 PM
I wish my company attorney could understand the basic ENGLISH instructions. Worst part, still doesn't admit his mistake and keeps pointing to the receipt issued by USCIS.
Btw, I took Infopass appointment and went today to ask what should I do....given USCIS has issued receipt notice
The officer responded similar to my attorney's response, stating given that USCIS has issued receipt, they are working on my appl and I may not need to send the fee..BUT he admitted that the fee was required..
In short, still not sure what to do....
Btw, I took Infopass appointment and went today to ask what should I do....given USCIS has issued receipt notice
The officer responded similar to my attorney's response, stating given that USCIS has issued receipt, they are working on my appl and I may not need to send the fee..BUT he admitted that the fee was required..
In short, still not sure what to do....
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01-18 09:12 AM
Go only if you really need to. If it's just a vacation, postponing is a good idea but don't miss out on brother's wedding etc to stay in US.
06-08 11:31 AM
Thank you for your earlier help. I have one more question. My I485 with approved I140 EB2 catagory PD June 2006 is pending and God knows for how many days. My job as Mechanical Engineer is stable and employer is willing to help me. I have a PhD in Engineering with about 30 years experience in industry and teaching. However, because of industry work I do not have many publications. I am a Fellow of IEI and a recognised PhD guide in Indian University, can get good recommendations too. Can I try for EB1 in some catagory?
Thanks again
Thank you for your earlier help. I have one more question. My I485 with approved I140 EB2 catagory PD June 2006 is pending and God knows for how many days. My job as Mechanical Engineer is stable and employer is willing to help me. I have a PhD in Engineering with about 30 years experience in industry and teaching. However, because of industry work I do not have many publications. I am a Fellow of IEI and a recognised PhD guide in Indian University, can get good recommendations too. Can I try for EB1 in some catagory?
Thanks again
01-13 04:28 PM
Hello folks -
I am currently working on H1B, and though against the rules of H1, I was doing side consulting work. As a result, I received a 1099 Misc form from the client for whom I was doing the work.
I reported the 1099 income on my Federal 1040 tax return. Now it's time to file the I-1485 with my current employer. My employer has requested me to submit my previous year tax returns along with other documents for the filing of the I-1485.
Do you think showing business income on form 1040 will have any impact on the processing of I-485?
Also, if anyone knows of a good immigration attorney I can consult with, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
What you did is unauthorised employment. You can not do anything to move forward. Keep your fingers crossed and wait...
I am currently working on H1B, and though against the rules of H1, I was doing side consulting work. As a result, I received a 1099 Misc form from the client for whom I was doing the work.
I reported the 1099 income on my Federal 1040 tax return. Now it's time to file the I-1485 with my current employer. My employer has requested me to submit my previous year tax returns along with other documents for the filing of the I-1485.
Do you think showing business income on form 1040 will have any impact on the processing of I-485?
Also, if anyone knows of a good immigration attorney I can consult with, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
What you did is unauthorised employment. You can not do anything to move forward. Keep your fingers crossed and wait...
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10-23 01:38 PM
I came to US 10 years ago and moved three times. Never filed AR-11 or change of address with USCIS. Filed for 485 in 2007 July with the latest address.
Will the failure to file AR-11 have any adverse impact on my 485? Should I send in an AR-11 now for the last change of address even though it's late by 2 yrs? I'm very much confused.
If I file the AR-11 now. couple of questions.
1. For the A# in the form, Should I leave it blank?
2. For the section "I work for or attend school at : (Employer name or name of School)"
I will give the employer name. But in address do I give their address or the clients address where I work, My employer is in Texas whereas I'm at the client location in East coast.
Please help...Thank you in advance.
as long as the USCIS has your latest address on file, you are fine. No action needed. But if you current address is different from the one on your 485, then you will need to send in an AR11. The card will be sent to the address on the application, and the postoffice will not forward the card if it goes to an old address, but send it back to USCIS.
Will the failure to file AR-11 have any adverse impact on my 485? Should I send in an AR-11 now for the last change of address even though it's late by 2 yrs? I'm very much confused.
If I file the AR-11 now. couple of questions.
1. For the A# in the form, Should I leave it blank?
2. For the section "I work for or attend school at : (Employer name or name of School)"
I will give the employer name. But in address do I give their address or the clients address where I work, My employer is in Texas whereas I'm at the client location in East coast.
Please help...Thank you in advance.
as long as the USCIS has your latest address on file, you are fine. No action needed. But if you current address is different from the one on your 485, then you will need to send in an AR11. The card will be sent to the address on the application, and the postoffice will not forward the card if it goes to an old address, but send it back to USCIS.
09-22 03:18 PM
Starting EB2 process will be the same as EB3 process. Your company should have a position open that requires atleast Masters degree or Bachelor + 5 years experience. They'll have to go through recruitment process and document that no US citizen or PR was available to fill the position and then file PERM.
Your EB3 applicaiton will not be affected by this new application.
The whole process upto I-140 may cost $10k-15k
Your EB3 applicaiton will not be affected by this new application.
The whole process upto I-140 may cost $10k-15k
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04-27 02:22 PM
Hi Gurus
I have applied for H-1 extension using my I-140 and got an RFE asking for the client letter.The querry was replied on time but now the online status shows that the extension was denied and the reason will me mailed.I spoke to my company and they are ready to appeal once they receive the reason for the denial.I was on-job for all the 5 years of my stay in US and working for the same employer and client for the past four and half years.Not sure the reason of denial as of now. Now that my Visa and I-94 expired on March'31 2009 how long can I stay while the appeal is the process and what are the
other options left for me?
Applied for H-1 extenstion Feb'5 2009
RFE Date - Mar' 12 2009
Denial Date - Apr'24 2009
I797 Expiry - March'31 2009
I have applied for H-1 extension using my I-140 and got an RFE asking for the client letter.The querry was replied on time but now the online status shows that the extension was denied and the reason will me mailed.I spoke to my company and they are ready to appeal once they receive the reason for the denial.I was on-job for all the 5 years of my stay in US and working for the same employer and client for the past four and half years.Not sure the reason of denial as of now. Now that my Visa and I-94 expired on March'31 2009 how long can I stay while the appeal is the process and what are the
other options left for me?
Applied for H-1 extenstion Feb'5 2009
RFE Date - Mar' 12 2009
Denial Date - Apr'24 2009
I797 Expiry - March'31 2009
08-14 04:06 PM
with this tension i m jusst going to end up with piles. then paskal will have to look at my piles :(
Paskal is busy with schizophrenic members and members with obsessive compulsive disorder and with members who see hallucinations of reciept notices :D:D:D
Those who sign fedex in USCIS never thought their names willbe discussed on the internet
Paskal is busy with schizophrenic members and members with obsessive compulsive disorder and with members who see hallucinations of reciept notices :D:D:D
Those who sign fedex in USCIS never thought their names willbe discussed on the internet

10-08 02:29 PM
I have the same case as user beautifulMind ..
I applied for my I-485 AOS and EAD-OPT card for my wife at the same time (June last week) .My wife is on F-1.We decided to apply for the EAD-OPT since there were rumors of the July 2 retrogression.She received her EAD-OPT in Sep (EAD to start Oct 1 ) and received her I-485 EAD on Oct 5 (EAD to start Sep 27).
Should she use her OPT-EAD or I-485 EAD ?
I applied for my I-485 AOS and EAD-OPT card for my wife at the same time (June last week) .My wife is on F-1.We decided to apply for the EAD-OPT since there were rumors of the July 2 retrogression.She received her EAD-OPT in Sep (EAD to start Oct 1 ) and received her I-485 EAD on Oct 5 (EAD to start Sep 27).
Should she use her OPT-EAD or I-485 EAD ?
05-31 07:24 PM
Search for "six-month rule", in ""
If you tell me which country passport you hold, I could tell whether you are exempt from this 6-month-rule or not.
And yes, I mean official requirement for "entry".
How you think H1B documentation will act as a proof of "permanent residence" intention?
Thanks for your reply Morchu. I want to have some further clarification here:
If you tell me which country passport you hold, I could tell whether you are exempt from this 6-month-rule or not.
And yes, I mean official requirement for "entry".
How you think H1B documentation will act as a proof of "permanent residence" intention?
Thanks for your reply Morchu. I want to have some further clarification here:
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09-25 02:38 PM
I see no harm in contacting him; but your excitement about Chandrasekharan seems curious to me. When people who have themselves immigrated from India (who now have GC/citizenship) are so indifferent about us, how can you expect a second generation indian journalist to "understand" our problems ? He does not seem to have done any articles on immigration; so there is no objective way for us to say whether he is really sympathetic to us or not.
Remember that even anti-immigration organizations like numbersUSA have lots of members who are immigrants themselves or have immigrant parents.
Any comments from Core Team regarding contacting Rajiv ? His parents are immigrants from India,so he will understand the sufferings of legal immigrants !
I think it is better to contact him.
Guys...Any comments ?
Remember that even anti-immigration organizations like numbersUSA have lots of members who are immigrants themselves or have immigrant parents.
Any comments from Core Team regarding contacting Rajiv ? His parents are immigrants from India,so he will understand the sufferings of legal immigrants !
I think it is better to contact him.
Guys...Any comments ?
10-04 05:43 PM
I live near Ahmedabad so I ask my parents to travel to Ahmedabad and submit it at Ahmedabad VFS office. VFS has offices in certain cities (lookup the website) and will accept your papers there. I hate the fact that you cannot directly mail your papers to the Mumbai consulate from USA. If your family is in Mumbai, they should be able to submit it in person to VFS.
VFS also has an email address on their website if you want to ask them questions. They are pretty good at responding.
So can I submit the docs through my family .. now and just go for the final interview?
This way I can go to the embassy the day I land in Mumbai.
VFS also has an email address on their website if you want to ask them questions. They are pretty good at responding.
So can I submit the docs through my family .. now and just go for the final interview?
This way I can go to the embassy the day I land in Mumbai.
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08-05 09:39 PM

07-05 03:54 PM
Cmon ever since independece we have never been united on any cause. I see threads from Gandhigiri(sending roses)...TO .. "no work on 13th"petition. But cmon look at the responses, e.g. no working day petions had only 75 votes , of which most are scared to put there employer name info. etc.
75 here 120 you guys really think with these numbers will make our voices heard .. On the other end lot of people are happy about the revision of the July bulletin and yes that includes the ones stuck in BEC (hypocrisy check! ) and the desi employers who perhaps were fasting/praying or something for this to happen... :-)
Its a number's game. We will never make our voices heard unless we can join hundred of thousands for a cause. I appreciate what IV has attempted to do, but it's an inherent problem with people like us, every one is out there trying to get ahead of the line. If given the choice most would exploit each other to take advantage. I mentioned "desis" perhaps, the problem we face is quite fitting to people from populous nations. I think we are looking at the problem from a very micro level(green card backlog).. The glut in immigration is nothing new and represents similar issues faced in India or China etc.
I am sounding completely pessimistic, but its the harsh reality. Perhaps we are not tuned to be united, we've been raised, bred to be just competitive and anything else which is a byproduct of competition.
just my 2 cents.
pls before anyone starts shouting at my post. Throw the hypocrisy out of the door and then reply.
It's unfortunate, but that's the reality. History says that "British took advantage of divide and rule concept in India during their rule." If the empherors/kings/people were united, that wouldn't have possible for the British.
I know their are few people really good, but the numbers aren't good enough. Hope and wish the coming generation wil, change the history. :-)
75 here 120 you guys really think with these numbers will make our voices heard .. On the other end lot of people are happy about the revision of the July bulletin and yes that includes the ones stuck in BEC (hypocrisy check! ) and the desi employers who perhaps were fasting/praying or something for this to happen... :-)
Its a number's game. We will never make our voices heard unless we can join hundred of thousands for a cause. I appreciate what IV has attempted to do, but it's an inherent problem with people like us, every one is out there trying to get ahead of the line. If given the choice most would exploit each other to take advantage. I mentioned "desis" perhaps, the problem we face is quite fitting to people from populous nations. I think we are looking at the problem from a very micro level(green card backlog).. The glut in immigration is nothing new and represents similar issues faced in India or China etc.
I am sounding completely pessimistic, but its the harsh reality. Perhaps we are not tuned to be united, we've been raised, bred to be just competitive and anything else which is a byproduct of competition.
just my 2 cents.
pls before anyone starts shouting at my post. Throw the hypocrisy out of the door and then reply.
It's unfortunate, but that's the reality. History says that "British took advantage of divide and rule concept in India during their rule." If the empherors/kings/people were united, that wouldn't have possible for the British.
I know their are few people really good, but the numbers aren't good enough. Hope and wish the coming generation wil, change the history. :-)
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01-19 07:44 AM
Mine was filed on May 01, 2006 EB-2 and I am still waiting. I has been close to 9 months now. I also logged in an enquiry 35 days ago, but still no reply. Worried as what to do. Do, I convert to Premium?
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06-20 12:51 PM
Cant attend own brothers wedding because we are scared of the possibility of MAYBE getting a delayed visa stamping?? what kind of life is that? ....
You can go to Mexico (Methamoras OR Tijuana) to get visa stamp, then go to india. It's very quick and easy to get an appointment. i did it on last october and then went to india within month and came back in Jan 2008.
You can go to Mexico (Methamoras OR Tijuana) to get visa stamp, then go to india. It's very quick and easy to get an appointment. i did it on last october and then went to india within month and came back in Jan 2008.
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01-18 08:44 PM
I was under the impression the target is all cases to be cleared within 6 months.
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02-03 02:24 PM
Abbe fairyangel ,
Who the hell are you to tell to leave and all..Remeber one or the other day we have to go thru bad time. Nothing is secured in this country...For a matter of fact you may as well loose your job, andif you dont get a job in the next 180 days will you leave ?..And the answer is NO.
Stop blady shit...and concentrate on yor work....mental Ididiot
Mr.Matt many ids you create SOB. Why dont you concentrate on your work if you have one....
Who the hell are you to tell to leave and all..Remeber one or the other day we have to go thru bad time. Nothing is secured in this country...For a matter of fact you may as well loose your job, andif you dont get a job in the next 180 days will you leave ?..And the answer is NO.
Stop blady shit...and concentrate on yor work....mental Ididiot
Mr.Matt many ids you create SOB. Why dont you concentrate on your work if you have one....
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11-28 09:42 AM
Now a days I head the appointments are easily available.
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02-22 05:15 PM
I turned out to be my I-485 approval notice!
I just received it yesterday.
Thanks all.
Freedom1 - I received similar message and since I moved, I have not got any notice from USCIS. How long did it take for you to get the notice? Did the notice tell to complete any formalities at your local USCIS office?
I just received it yesterday.
Thanks all.
Freedom1 - I received similar message and since I moved, I have not got any notice from USCIS. How long did it take for you to get the notice? Did the notice tell to complete any formalities at your local USCIS office?
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05-04 02:35 PM
Hi kaarmaa
Thanks for your response.
I am guessing you had a 3 years extension after your 6 years and in your 7th year you transferred over just as a normal H1b would have done. Correct? So in this case, what is the significance of I-140 since your new emplyer will have to apply for PERM and LC again in any case?
Thanks for your response.
I am guessing you had a 3 years extension after your 6 years and in your 7th year you transferred over just as a normal H1b would have done. Correct? So in this case, what is the significance of I-140 since your new emplyer will have to apply for PERM and LC again in any case?
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06-19 05:09 PM
You made a good point...US media highlights issues based on what it likes and presents it to the people the way they want it to be. US hates 'Ahmedinejad' so they are highighting the if the opponent would have been any different for the US..
Do you think Indian Media is fair and impartial?
They do not have the courage to criticize Sonia Gandhi and family?
Do you think Indian Media is fair and impartial?
They do not have the courage to criticize Sonia Gandhi and family?
07-24 03:30 PM
Thanks for your info. Surely I am applying my new passport tomorrow. I am trying to call my attorney and left message. Still I did not hear back from him. My passoprt expires on August 05, 2007. My all applications mailed and are on the way to USCIS. I have option to recall my complete package only today. If I lose todays date then there will be no option.what should I do now?
01-04 09:16 AM
This is possible. The gist of the rule is:
Once a I140 has been approved, the PD belongs to the applicant. The only situation when this will not work is if the Labor OR I-140 have been obtained by fraud. This means that even if the company revokes the I-140, the PD stays with you (the applicant).
You will have to first get an I-140 approved with the older priority date (EB3). Once this is done, apply for the second I-140 (EB2) along with documents proving your earlier PD (EB3 labor+ I-140). If all the documents are in order, then the new EB2 I-140 will be approved with the older PD.
Since you are working for the same company, this will be relatively easy since they have all the paperwork. Getting the company to file two I-140s is another matter :)
Once a I140 has been approved, the PD belongs to the applicant. The only situation when this will not work is if the Labor OR I-140 have been obtained by fraud. This means that even if the company revokes the I-140, the PD stays with you (the applicant).
You will have to first get an I-140 approved with the older priority date (EB3). Once this is done, apply for the second I-140 (EB2) along with documents proving your earlier PD (EB3 labor+ I-140). If all the documents are in order, then the new EB2 I-140 will be approved with the older PD.
Since you are working for the same company, this will be relatively easy since they have all the paperwork. Getting the company to file two I-140s is another matter :)
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